In order to reach the correct decision about the package that suits your requirements, we need to give you an overview about the Technologies used and the methods we follow to combine them. The technologies are classified into two categories as shown below. If you are interested to know more, please don't hesitate to Contact Us.
Programming Technologies:
This is the basic web language, it defines a webpage with static content. With HTML we can define the content of your page as well as a basic layout for it. Style and design will be added using CSS. This Language is used in the Static Page Package, as well as in every other package as it forms the basis of every webpage.
This language is used to design the static content defined with html. It allows almost any design and describes how it shall be displayed. As HTML, this Language is also used in the Static Page Package, as well as in every other package as it forms the design basis of every webpage.
If you have higher demands at the page and the content needs to be changed on different user
interactions, then PHP is used. PHP allows us to modify the HTML code and also
the CSS, therefore
the design and content of your page can change on user
interaction. This is used in the Dynamic Page and the Online Portal one as well.