Construction Packages:
This package defines the way your homepage will work.
Be sure that every homepage is correctly written and validated
according to the international Standards from w3c.
The Static Page offers showing your content which never changes to your customers and viewers.
It allows you to use different designs using
This package is ideal for private customers as well as small sized business customers.
The used Technologies in this package are:
HTML and
If you frequently need to change the content, for example: in a news page, then the dynamic page is the right
choice for you. This page uses a simple database to dynamically create the content you wish. If you have
more demands regarding data storage, products or other requests then an online portal is required.
The used Technologies in this package are:
HTML and
CSS and
PHP and
For large projects like online shops and portals, there is a need for an extensive Database which takes care
of consistency and logical data arrangement. Additionally all the content is dynamic. Such requirements
can be fulfilled with the online portal package.
The used Technologies in this package are:
HTML and
CSS and
PHP and
SQL and